"Through Christ, we welcome and serve all people."
"Through Christ, we welcome and serve all people."
Council Meeting Highlights........November 5th, 2024
Church Council Meeting Highlights from Dec. 10 meeting...
Called to order 7:02 pm by Pres. Dave Yonkings, Devotions by Mark Vitas, Minutes from Nov. mtg accepted with 1 minor change.
Pres. Report: Dave changed; checked “back hall” lights and advised they're working fine: emergency lights and only on when emergency; changed bulbs in pantry; passed thank you letters from Blessing House and World Hunger; donation request from Laura Barnes’s brother re: school he’s building. Motion to send $500 passed; Discussion re: AED (defibrillator). Council agreed good idea and would be comfortable using. Motion to get AED w/training presentation passed. Motion to give same bonuses as last year passed. Thank you/Christmas gift for Pastor Steve. To be $150 gift cards. Susan to arrange. Giving Steve building key. Thank you/Christmas gift for Brenda Ondeka Motion for $150 gift cards passed.
Treas.Report: Income $10,931.91. Expenses $11,598.60 net loss $666.69. Fin. Audit after church Jan. 12. Andrea will count Jan. 12, as counters are audit committee. Discussed offering counters while Dave in Florida. Ed presented more investment options. All agreed Thrivent best option. Officers to meet w/Jeff Walker Dec. 22 after church. To invest 30% aggressively and 70% conservatively. Discussion re: Synod giving, motion for $7,500, specify 50% to pastor “recruitment” and 50% to Disaster Relief passed.
Office Sec. Report: Pastor Jimmy Madsen to Supply Pastor Jan 5. 2025 sign-up sheets posted. Went over 2025 calendar with office calendar updated accordingly. Lost and Found bin to be emptied. Terri Camp to give Anna Winnen packet of photos from Mary Durnell’s funeral. Doorbell not working. Joe to check: probably batteries. Christmas “ad/listing” in newspaper to be same as Easter.
Committees: Bluegrass: Dec was huge event, and brought in $1,750. Motion to give Nell Hall $150 gift cards as thank you/Christmas gift passed. Jackie to handle. Got rental openers/closers for Dec. Euch. Min. Jackie spreadsheet for Euch. Min. visits. Should be easier than notebook. Christian Ed/Youth: KOK had 12 kids and was great. Planning Lent KOK Sun. March 2. “Kids” doing great job assisting Advent wreath/readings. To find more opportunities for involvement/acolyte duties. Need for “worship assistant” schedule, as prayer list not brought up Sun. Susan to design a list. Brief discussion about choir. Pantry got $1,820 Holiday Cheer grant. Served 123 hot meals last month. Kitch. Remodel committee so far: Brenda, Marcia, Andrea, Jackie, Chris, Mark Bursley, and Mark Vitas. Mtg Jan.12 to plan/get ideas. New closet “roughed-in”. Mark to install door, insulation, paint. Co-Op posting monthly calendars. Warm-a-Child gave 212 items at Dec. 9 pantry and more to “our school”. Providing green cupcakes/cookies for Adopt-a-School Grinch Christmas party. 3 Kings has 107 children/44 families. Letters to mail Dec. 18. Lake Ridge delivery Dec. 20. Calls/FaceBook messages re: echoing in videotape. Karen Neuschaefer working on it and thinks she knows the problem.
Old Bus.: With Pas. Steve’s illness, not sure about Advent Bible Study. Plan B in place. Took walk of church to discuss plaques/cross placement ideas. After “popular demand”, Dave to install before Florida. Aerobics Closet emptied, and TV moved in. Deciding about “pantry computer cart” and hygiene boxes, so tabled until next month. Learned many can’t hear service or sermon, so to work diligently on sound system after Jan. 1. To use microphone at podium for temp. “fix”. Susan frustrated at not getting this done! Asked if anyone else to take it over. Susan will get Terri Camp “caught up” with info and materials. Discussed idea of cover/”throw” to keep card rack hidden when not in use. Maybe wheels on it so can move when rentals. Susan suggested (now with TV gone) room in office.
New Bus.: Nominating Committee working towards next year’s council. Terri Camp, Jackie Stevens, and Chris Yonkings have first terms expiring, so eligible to run if so choose. So far Deanna Powell and Sue Citro have interest, but concern about a clause in constitution stating must be member for year before on council. Susan to research if accurate. Council accept/confirm slate at Jan. 7 mtg before election at Jan. 19 annual mtg. Donna Bolling thanked Sue Citro, Teri Priebe, Deanna Powell for 2 Christmas trees. Questions re: how often, day, and time dumpster emptied. Is filling quickly-we may need to add additional pick-up or change timing. Susan to research. Pastor Laurie to perform in concert Sat. at 7:30 at LCCC.
State of the Church Keeping the Faith...and the Energy! Dave acknowledged long meeting, but look how much we get done! Appreciates everyone’s time and patience.
Adjourned with the Lord's Prayer at 9:44 pm.
Next Meeting Tuesday, January 7 at 7:00 p.m.
(Devotions Terri Camp)
Called to order 7:02 pm by Pres. Dave Yonkings, Devotions by Mark Vitas, Minutes from Nov. mtg accepted with 1 minor change.
Pres. Report: Dave changed; checked “back hall” lights and advised they're working fine: emergency lights and only on when emergency; changed bulbs in pantry; passed thank you letters from Blessing House and World Hunger; donation request from Laura Barnes’s brother re: school he’s building. Motion to send $500 passed; Discussion re: AED (defibrillator). Council agreed good idea and would be comfortable using. Motion to get AED w/training presentation passed. Motion to give same bonuses as last year passed. Thank you/Christmas gift for Pastor Steve. To be $150 gift cards. Susan to arrange. Giving Steve building key. Thank you/Christmas gift for Brenda Ondeka Motion for $150 gift cards passed.
Treas.Report: Income $10,931.91. Expenses $11,598.60 net loss $666.69. Fin. Audit after church Jan. 12. Andrea will count Jan. 12, as counters are audit committee. Discussed offering counters while Dave in Florida. Ed presented more investment options. All agreed Thrivent best option. Officers to meet w/Jeff Walker Dec. 22 after church. To invest 30% aggressively and 70% conservatively. Discussion re: Synod giving, motion for $7,500, specify 50% to pastor “recruitment” and 50% to Disaster Relief passed.
Office Sec. Report: Pastor Jimmy Madsen to Supply Pastor Jan 5. 2025 sign-up sheets posted. Went over 2025 calendar with office calendar updated accordingly. Lost and Found bin to be emptied. Terri Camp to give Anna Winnen packet of photos from Mary Durnell’s funeral. Doorbell not working. Joe to check: probably batteries. Christmas “ad/listing” in newspaper to be same as Easter.
Committees: Bluegrass: Dec was huge event, and brought in $1,750. Motion to give Nell Hall $150 gift cards as thank you/Christmas gift passed. Jackie to handle. Got rental openers/closers for Dec. Euch. Min. Jackie spreadsheet for Euch. Min. visits. Should be easier than notebook. Christian Ed/Youth: KOK had 12 kids and was great. Planning Lent KOK Sun. March 2. “Kids” doing great job assisting Advent wreath/readings. To find more opportunities for involvement/acolyte duties. Need for “worship assistant” schedule, as prayer list not brought up Sun. Susan to design a list. Brief discussion about choir. Pantry got $1,820 Holiday Cheer grant. Served 123 hot meals last month. Kitch. Remodel committee so far: Brenda, Marcia, Andrea, Jackie, Chris, Mark Bursley, and Mark Vitas. Mtg Jan.12 to plan/get ideas. New closet “roughed-in”. Mark to install door, insulation, paint. Co-Op posting monthly calendars. Warm-a-Child gave 212 items at Dec. 9 pantry and more to “our school”. Providing green cupcakes/cookies for Adopt-a-School Grinch Christmas party. 3 Kings has 107 children/44 families. Letters to mail Dec. 18. Lake Ridge delivery Dec. 20. Calls/FaceBook messages re: echoing in videotape. Karen Neuschaefer working on it and thinks she knows the problem.
Old Bus.: With Pas. Steve’s illness, not sure about Advent Bible Study. Plan B in place. Took walk of church to discuss plaques/cross placement ideas. After “popular demand”, Dave to install before Florida. Aerobics Closet emptied, and TV moved in. Deciding about “pantry computer cart” and hygiene boxes, so tabled until next month. Learned many can’t hear service or sermon, so to work diligently on sound system after Jan. 1. To use microphone at podium for temp. “fix”. Susan frustrated at not getting this done! Asked if anyone else to take it over. Susan will get Terri Camp “caught up” with info and materials. Discussed idea of cover/”throw” to keep card rack hidden when not in use. Maybe wheels on it so can move when rentals. Susan suggested (now with TV gone) room in office.
New Bus.: Nominating Committee working towards next year’s council. Terri Camp, Jackie Stevens, and Chris Yonkings have first terms expiring, so eligible to run if so choose. So far Deanna Powell and Sue Citro have interest, but concern about a clause in constitution stating must be member for year before on council. Susan to research if accurate. Council accept/confirm slate at Jan. 7 mtg before election at Jan. 19 annual mtg. Donna Bolling thanked Sue Citro, Teri Priebe, Deanna Powell for 2 Christmas trees. Questions re: how often, day, and time dumpster emptied. Is filling quickly-we may need to add additional pick-up or change timing. Susan to research. Pastor Laurie to perform in concert Sat. at 7:30 at LCCC.
State of the Church Keeping the Faith...and the Energy! Dave acknowledged long meeting, but look how much we get done! Appreciates everyone’s time and patience.
Adjourned with the Lord's Prayer at 9:44 pm.
Next Meeting Tuesday, January 7 at 7:00 p.m.
(Devotions Terri Camp)