Dear Members and Friends of Christ Lutheran Church...
A Congregational Article!
(From Newly-Elected Council Member, Louise Hall)
When you draw close to God, God will draw close to you. Let your hearts be filled with God alone to make them pure and true to Him.
- James 4:8
As we welcomed in the new year, many of our minds likely gave thought to making a New Year’s resolution…some way that we can better ourselves. Should we make a promise to head back to the gym or be more careful of how we eat? These are certainly valuable in and of themselves; but, this year, you may want to focus on a different kind of resolution…one that can be life- changing if we are willing to work toward this every day.
As we head into 2025, think of making a resolution to develop a closer and deeper relationship with God. When we say the Apostles Creed, we profess our beliefs; but, in spite of this, we sometimes become complacent in our personal relationship with God. If you are not sure how to start making some changes, here are several suggestions of ways to bring your relationship with God to an even deeper level.
*It can be easy to become overwhelmed by life, but instead of holding everything in, reach out for help. If you don’t feel God in your life as you used to, don’t be afraid to come to Him. God knows our deepest thoughts and desires of our hearts.
*Life is full of many distractions; and, unfortunately, there are many things that can hinder our walk with God. Sometimes, in order to keep God close, we need to walk away from the things that can drive a wedge between God and us. As an example, social media or entertainment sometimes take precedence in our lives; and it can be difficult to find time to spend with God. Consider limiting the amount of time you spend on those activities and use that time to grow closer to God.
*Praying helps build a strong relationship with God. A prayer can take many forms, but our prayers don’t have to be long-worded or formally written. For me, prayer can be as simple as talking to God in the same way I talk to family or friends. Many a time I simply say “Dear God, Help!” He is our most loving and loyal friend, and our words and feelings are safe with Him.
*It is through the Bible that we hear how God wants us to live. It is a guide for our lives and helps us to discern if what we are doing is in agreement with how God wants (and expects) us to live. As you read the Bible daily, meditate on what you have read throughout the day and that will keep your heart and your mind in close accordance with God.
*Walk in love with one another. Love all people just as God loves us. We hear those words so often, but we sometimes forget “all people” includes even the people we may deem to be unlovable. Rely on God’s love that is in us through the Holy Spirit to help us with this task. As we become more Christlike in the sharing of His love, we can deepen our relationship with Him.
And so, my dear friends in Christ, I pray you will read this and ask God to help you with the work of developing a closer relationship with Him in the year to come. I can promise, that if you do this, you will find more love and joy and peace in your life than you could ever imagine; and having a deeper relationship with God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit will change the way you view everything in your life.
In Christian Love, Louise Hall
(From Newly-Elected Council Member, Louise Hall)
When you draw close to God, God will draw close to you. Let your hearts be filled with God alone to make them pure and true to Him.
- James 4:8
As we welcomed in the new year, many of our minds likely gave thought to making a New Year’s resolution…some way that we can better ourselves. Should we make a promise to head back to the gym or be more careful of how we eat? These are certainly valuable in and of themselves; but, this year, you may want to focus on a different kind of resolution…one that can be life- changing if we are willing to work toward this every day.
As we head into 2025, think of making a resolution to develop a closer and deeper relationship with God. When we say the Apostles Creed, we profess our beliefs; but, in spite of this, we sometimes become complacent in our personal relationship with God. If you are not sure how to start making some changes, here are several suggestions of ways to bring your relationship with God to an even deeper level.
*It can be easy to become overwhelmed by life, but instead of holding everything in, reach out for help. If you don’t feel God in your life as you used to, don’t be afraid to come to Him. God knows our deepest thoughts and desires of our hearts.
*Life is full of many distractions; and, unfortunately, there are many things that can hinder our walk with God. Sometimes, in order to keep God close, we need to walk away from the things that can drive a wedge between God and us. As an example, social media or entertainment sometimes take precedence in our lives; and it can be difficult to find time to spend with God. Consider limiting the amount of time you spend on those activities and use that time to grow closer to God.
*Praying helps build a strong relationship with God. A prayer can take many forms, but our prayers don’t have to be long-worded or formally written. For me, prayer can be as simple as talking to God in the same way I talk to family or friends. Many a time I simply say “Dear God, Help!” He is our most loving and loyal friend, and our words and feelings are safe with Him.
*It is through the Bible that we hear how God wants us to live. It is a guide for our lives and helps us to discern if what we are doing is in agreement with how God wants (and expects) us to live. As you read the Bible daily, meditate on what you have read throughout the day and that will keep your heart and your mind in close accordance with God.
*Walk in love with one another. Love all people just as God loves us. We hear those words so often, but we sometimes forget “all people” includes even the people we may deem to be unlovable. Rely on God’s love that is in us through the Holy Spirit to help us with this task. As we become more Christlike in the sharing of His love, we can deepen our relationship with Him.
And so, my dear friends in Christ, I pray you will read this and ask God to help you with the work of developing a closer relationship with Him in the year to come. I can promise, that if you do this, you will find more love and joy and peace in your life than you could ever imagine; and having a deeper relationship with God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit will change the way you view everything in your life.
In Christian Love, Louise Hall