Prayer Chain
*To be included in newsletter, please include last names on Sunday prayer lists.
We pray especially for: Susan Adkins, Mariah, Oliver, Noah, and Delilah Beeble; Lora Conrady, Brandon, Justin, Ethan, & Jennifer Elliott, Dan Ergezi, Doc Evans, Terry Lee, Don Meiser, Jeff Pincura, Carla Puskas, Tracy and Jeff Shamhart, The Smith Family, Barbara Wright, and those who have lost family members: The Family of Kerry Kirkpatrick; The family of Laura Barnes on the death of mom, Lois Glawe; Lucinda Lai and family on the death of their mother, The congregation of Our Saviour Lutheran Church in Long Beach, CA; the people of Ukraine, the children/staff at Blessing House; our Call Committee; & all of our military personnel.
We pray especially for: Susan Adkins, Mariah, Oliver, Noah, and Delilah Beeble; Lora Conrady, Brandon, Justin, Ethan, & Jennifer Elliott, Dan Ergezi, Doc Evans, Terry Lee, Don Meiser, Jeff Pincura, Carla Puskas, Tracy and Jeff Shamhart, The Smith Family, Barbara Wright, and those who have lost family members: The Family of Kerry Kirkpatrick; The family of Laura Barnes on the death of mom, Lois Glawe; Lucinda Lai and family on the death of their mother, The congregation of Our Saviour Lutheran Church in Long Beach, CA; the people of Ukraine, the children/staff at Blessing House; our Call Committee; & all of our military personnel.
Sue Rhodes coordinates the Prayer Chain Ministry;
please call her with prayer requests or to volunteer
to pray for others: (440) 984-7258
please call her with prayer requests or to volunteer
to pray for others: (440) 984-7258