FYI...For Your Information
Eternal Candle and Flower Sheets for 2025
are on the bulletin board by the Office and have lots of empty spaces! The Eternal Candle is $5.00 per week, and the flowers are $20.00 per vase. If there is no-one signed up for flowers, we will not order fresh bouquets for that week. (We will instead use our beautiful silk arrangements.) Sign up for a Sunday and designate an occasion, a memorial, or an honor for someone. And please mark an offering envelope with your name and amount. Thanks! (Remember: there are no flowers on the altar during Lent.)
are on the bulletin board by the Office and have lots of empty spaces! The Eternal Candle is $5.00 per week, and the flowers are $20.00 per vase. If there is no-one signed up for flowers, we will not order fresh bouquets for that week. (We will instead use our beautiful silk arrangements.) Sign up for a Sunday and designate an occasion, a memorial, or an honor for someone. And please mark an offering envelope with your name and amount. Thanks! (Remember: there are no flowers on the altar during Lent.)
Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of services, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who activates all of them in everyone. - 1 Corinthians 4-6
Where might your gifts/services be best utilized? There were 25 committee sign-up lists at our annual meeting! If you are interested in more information about any of these committees, please contact the office or any council member!
Eucharistic Ministers Acolytes Personnel
Kitchen Remodel Bluegrass Nominating
Videotaping Worship Readers
Offering Counters Call 3 Kings
Church Openers Co-Op GALS
Warm-A-Child Fellowship Website
Adopt-A-School Food Pantry Property
Youth/Christian Interior Design Rental
Where might your gifts/services be best utilized? There were 25 committee sign-up lists at our annual meeting! If you are interested in more information about any of these committees, please contact the office or any council member!
Eucharistic Ministers Acolytes Personnel
Kitchen Remodel Bluegrass Nominating
Videotaping Worship Readers
Offering Counters Call 3 Kings
Church Openers Co-Op GALS
Warm-A-Child Fellowship Website
Adopt-A-School Food Pantry Property
Youth/Christian Interior Design Rental
That there are sign up lists on the bulletin board outside the church office? You can sign up to designate flowers or a candle in memory or in honor of a loved one or special occasion.
There’s also a sign up list to be a Sunday morning reader! Many thanks to those who have already signed up: I love seeing new names on the list! There are still some spots available through the rest of the year!
There’s also a sign up list to be a Sunday morning reader! Many thanks to those who have already signed up: I love seeing new names on the list! There are still some spots available through the rest of the year!
If you are hospitalized and would like a visit or a check-in visit at home, call Susan Adkins (440-522-0068). Visiting for illness or surgery is still a congregational priority, but Susan has to know there is a need before she can schedule a pastoral visit.
Lutheran World Relief Hygiene Kits
In the November newsletter, we gave you a challenge: to beat last year’s annual record of 80 kits. Already, this ELCA project, under the guidance of Sue Citro has already generated enough funds to purchase, prepare, and box 61 kits, and we’ve only just begun! How high can get that number to grow before the end of 2025? For more information, see the flyer on the Narthex table!
In the November newsletter, we gave you a challenge: to beat last year’s annual record of 80 kits. Already, this ELCA project, under the guidance of Sue Citro has already generated enough funds to purchase, prepare, and box 61 kits, and we’ve only just begun! How high can get that number to grow before the end of 2025? For more information, see the flyer on the Narthex table!
Eucharistic Home Visits
Monthly eucharistic home visits to our shut-ins have been very well- received, and we could definitely use some more volunteers on this very important outreach project. A simple visit from familiar (or new!) church faces means so much to these folks! For more information on how to get involved, talk to Karen Kovacs, Dave Yonkings, or Jackie Stevens.
Monthly eucharistic home visits to our shut-ins have been very well- received, and we could definitely use some more volunteers on this very important outreach project. A simple visit from familiar (or new!) church faces means so much to these folks! For more information on how to get involved, talk to Karen Kovacs, Dave Yonkings, or Jackie Stevens.
New Greeting Card Rack
at Your Service
Our new card rock is up and in service! Check it out in the office, as it contains quality greeting cards at only 50-cents each! Blank note cards and postcards are only 25-cents! Stop in, take a look, and support this new project!
at Your Service
Our new card rock is up and in service! Check it out in the office, as it contains quality greeting cards at only 50-cents each! Blank note cards and postcards are only 25-cents! Stop in, take a look, and support this new project!
Online Giving Available!
You read that right! You now have an option available for online giving! Zelle is quick and easy to use, and is readily available directly through most bank online payment sites. In the event your personal bank does not offer Zelle, you can still use it through the Zelle website or on your phone through the Zelle app. Check it out! All you need to know is our church email address:
(Please be sure to include a note on the memo line, so we know who it’s from!)
You read that right! You now have an option available for online giving! Zelle is quick and easy to use, and is readily available directly through most bank online payment sites. In the event your personal bank does not offer Zelle, you can still use it through the Zelle website or on your phone through the Zelle app. Check it out! All you need to know is our church email address:
(Please be sure to include a note on the memo line, so we know who it’s from!)